Rogue and Wicked

The Macabre story of Susan Monica

Tiffany and Wendy Season 1 Episode 21

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Our journey takes a chilling turn as we unearth the bone-chilling tale of Robert Harry Hainy, a man whose life took a tragic turn on Susan Monica's farm. We're walking you through the horrifying minutiae of the double homicide that sent shockwaves through the town. But the horror doesn't stop there. We turn our spotlight on an equally unnerving tale of Susan Monica, who claims to have woken up to find her yard turned into a crime scene, with a human leg as the star exhibit. How did she react? How would you? 

We then peel back the layers on the woman's shocking confessions and her questionable attempts to justify her actions and painting a chilling picture of the tragedy. Our exploration of this grim tale culminates with a deep dive into Susan Monica herself - her past, her trial, and the swift justice that followed. But it's not all doom and gloom; we also share some details about our subscription options, bonus content, and how you can help us improve by leaving a review. Don't forget to visit for more!

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Script's, Editing, Social Media and the Creator of the show: Tiffany
Co-host and author of the book series "sage": Wendy
Music by Bo Todd


Today was Trinity's birthday. Well, we're celebrating at Fright Kingdom, which is gonna be bad ass in a week from now, which is like a haunted house that we've gone to three times and still can't get enough of. Yeah And Bart bought Chinese food so we could all get fortunes, so we could play the lottery which, ironically, Trinity wishes to win on her birthday. So here's to hoping, Yeah me too.


So Bart and I got fortune cookies. So everyone got some pretty interesting fortune cookies and hopefully the numbers will prove to be prophetic on the back. Oh good.


We got some really cool feedback from some of our listeners on our Apple podcast reviews, so I wanted to read two of them that we had received. Oh, awesome Yeah. One was from Nettie Picks and she said great research work done on these podcasts, very professional and a bit of comedy. Again, i'm a fan of Rogan Wicked. That was really sweet. And we got another one from Tony Leverie and it says love your podcast. I love that you two cover well known cases as well as some not so heard of. Also, love the friendship you guys share. Oh, thank you.


Oh awesome.


That's so uplifting. Yeah, i love it when we get positive reviews. Anybody wants to support the podcast like. Feel free to leave us a five star review on Apple podcast or Spotify or whatever Apple podcast you're able to like, write a review, and if you write a review, we'll read it on the podcast. I'm having trouble accessing the podcast platform on Apple podcast, but I just look up our podcast and then just find the reviews, like by hand, because it's I don't know what's going on with the dashboard, but it won't take my username for some reason.


Well, i think it's awesome that we keep getting such positive feedback and inspiration from our friends to just keep going on. Yeah, exactly, it feels defeating sometimes because the numbers fluctuate And well, that's not the most important part of what we do. Sometimes it's indicative of how well we're doing And if we start doing really well and that it dips, there's that, oh no.


Yeah, I mean it's, it's. It goes up and down, It just really depends. It depends on the time of the year, like what holidays are coming. It depends on how much we've actually promoted. You know, all those things factor in And we appreciate every listener that comes on here. We really love you guys. And don't mind my voice because it's like super fucking nasally right now. Reason being I'm getting over an ammonia, So I'm like a little stuffy.


And that pollen is falling.


Yeah, i got pneumonia from fungus from pollen is pollen fungus and infected my lungs. So now I am congested and it's been like a week and a half and last week we couldn't record. So we're recording today, so we're double timing it this week again And it's fine. But you know, i didn't want to be on here like like talking on the podcast, like I wanted to be able to at least sound like palatable, you know. But you sound delicious to me. Oh good, i'm glad it's tasty with that mucous. Nom, nom, nom.


See, unlike Tiffany, i like the raspiness that follows a cold, because I have such a thing for Michelle Pfeiffer, So any. and that blonde chick that plays Chuckies, brad, i like her rasp too.


So I just know.


I like both of their voices, so what? are we talking about today, girl. We are talking about Susan Monica. Once again, she's got two first names. Yes, yes, she does. I noticed that too. So once again, as my best friend tonight sat through our morning game routine a wait, stop, pause. Have you uploaded that game yet?


I actually reyes me the same thing And I'd have reyes my gay best friend And, if you haven't noticed, bart is Wendy's gay best friend and both of them play video games right The same video games And I play the same video games those two play, but Wendy doesn't really play video games but she likes to watch them play video games.


Yes, i enjoy and it's always been this way watching my games play as I write.


Yeah, So last night the game came out at 12 midnight And I am not up past 11 because I got to get up for work early as shit every day, So I did not download the game last night. But I told him that I'm going to download the game this Sunday And that way I can play it on my day off And I can enjoy my day while it's downloading on my Xbox And then at nighttime I'm going to jump on there and start murdering some zombies, Because it's the new Dead Island. It's Dead Island 2 that just came out on the Xbox Series X in the PlayStation, So I'm real excited.


Wait until you see how realistic the graphics are and how insane the weapons are.


Well, i watched the gameplay, So I know all about the game, but I just I haven't played it yet, but I heard it's supposed to be bad ass.


I was putting makeup on in the other room so I could record a video, and Bart kept calling me in there to show me each weapon and how much damage they did. He was like a little kid during Christmas It was amazing, Oh I thought That's funny. That's why I enjoy watching video games being played so much because I can stretch, i can write and I can watch the video game, and watching someone like him, who is as good at video games as he is, is just like watching a movie.


Yeah, kind of, because they have a whole storyline.


Exactly, but your friend gets to make the choices and I get to do awesome things like help pick out outfits during certain games. Like Bloodborne is my favorite to play with him, oh okay, i live vicariously through his, him. I just think the aesthetic is so beautiful. Elden Ring, bloodborne that type of thing is my favorite with him. The zombie ones, honestly not so much.


Oh no, they're my favorite. I like shoot them off kill them, stab them games.


So if you guys have a group of friends like we do that loves playing games, check out Dead by Daylight, because that game is killer to play with your friends. Haha, get it Anyway.


Yeah, don't.


So he, during one of these you know this morning's session, offered up a case in the form of a bizarre documentary he listened to on his drive to work. Full disclosure There may be an issue with my dark humor spiraling out of control during this podcast, and I'm not insensitive to the victims by any means, but this killer makes for such a bizarre bullshit artist and I'm very visual and her behavior and lies were like beyond my ability to process without laughing at how outlandish they were. I watched a two hour and 50 minute interrogation on true crime documentary called Explore With Us. Have you ever heard of that? No, well, this. It's awesome and I'm going to link it to this case once we're done recording and send you a link, because I think that you would really enjoy this. They had a qualified team that included an attorney, formal criminal prosecutor, a licensed clinical psychologist, a licensed clinical counselor and a clinical counselor, and they did an outstanding job. It was long, though It took a long time to get through it.


Like almost three hours is quite a bit to set aside, but it was worth it. It was entertaining, it was fucked up and I did find myself at certain times just trying to visualize what she was saying and like, no, that's in fucking possible. Some shit you'd see on a cartoon impossible. So let's talk about this bullshit artist, shall we? Susan Monica was born July 8th 1948 as Stephen Buchanan. Monica was a sailor in the US Navy during the Vietnam War and, following honorable discharge, she began living as a woman.


There isn't much information regarding her past, but I learned that Monica grew up in San Francisco area. She had two siblings, a brother and a sister. I couldn't find their names or any of their detailed information, but during her interrogation she told the police that her sister had downed syndrome and was placed into a foster home in Santa Rosa and that she was estranged from her brother. Following her honorable discharge from the Navy, monica worked as a successful welder and engineer and in 1991 purchased a 20 acre farm in rural winter southern Oregon. She started off the grid while raising pigs and chickens but eventually started her own company called White Queen Construction, where she used her welding skills to build railings and fences. She even made a large barn and a house on her land.


Wait a sec. did you say White Queen Construction? White Queen Construction? yes, Was that like because she was white. Or was that because, like some name, that was like in the family or something?


You know, i have absolutely no idea why she chose that name. And you know, i did wonder too, like because she is transgender. And you know, i have friends who are that call themselves trans queens, and I'm like, yeah, maybe I don't know, maybe I don't know. You know, it's really fucked up. Tiffany is how many shows you're always recommending and how I'm always like, nope, i haven't seen it. I haven't seen it. There is a show called White Queen and another show called Spanish Princess that I watched.


That's the impression I was getting, like you know what I mean.


Oh, so you know about it.


No, no, i never saw those shows, but what I'm saying is like White Queen. I'm thinking like is it because she's Caucasian?


I don't know, i don't know either.


Well, i guess we'll never know. If somebody does know. you can send us an email at roganwicked at yahoocom.


Hell yeah if you guys figure that out, that'd be cool. She used her welding skills to build railings and fences, and she even made a large barn and a house on her land. Now she's pretty damn ingenuative, despite her introverted and reclusive settings. on January of 2014, susan Monica, who was 65 at the time and said to have a volatile temper, even threatening to feed her neighbor to the pigs decided to people, as I call it when introverts go out of their comfort zone to socialize because she needed help around the farm, and she was arrested for double homicide. Don't, don't, don't, oh. I have to say, though, like that's pretty damn impressive to wait until you're 65 and have pretty much like fully established yourself to even ask for any help.


I thought you were going to say it was pretty impressive that she committed double homicide and I was like whoa, whoa there.


No, no, her killing skills and all of that. Just her as a killer is just. She's very mentally off anyway, as all killers tend to be True. True. According to Jackson County Sheriff's Office, january 10th 2014, monica was arrested after deputies discovered human remains on her 20 acre ranch at 91 84 West Evans Creek Road. Monica was initially arrested earlier that day for theft and identity theft because she was using a stolen Oregon trail card belonging to missing handyman Robert Harry Hain. While detectives questioned her, deputies went to the ranch at some point. In their search, the deputies discovered the remains of human bodies. According to Dene via social media, who's the detective deputy? It was believed to be Hainys.


The investigation led police to the horror details pertaining to the murder of Hainy and 59 year old Stephen Frank Delinco, both whom worked on Monica's 20 acre farm. The first unfortunate victim was fucking awesome. According to CVS News, on January 16th 2014, roughly four months after his alleged time of death, robert Hainy, born on June 26th 1957, was positively identified as one of Susan Monica's first victims. Oregon State Police anthropologists testified that Hainys legs had been dismembered with an axe and that his thigh bones showed signs of being gnawed on by an animal. The anthropologist stated that it was unclear whether Hainy had been dead prior to dismemberment of his legs, and Jackson County Sheriff's Office deputy medical examiner Erick Fox was fairly confident that the body was Robert Hainys. She added that Hainy was murdered on or about September 9th 2013.


Robert's friends and family said that he was a kind and hardworking man who mostly kept to himself. He wasn't a popular teenager and didn't seem to fit into the school curriculum and, as a result, left school early. Although he dropped out of school to partake in the gypsy life for a little bit, he eventually settled into a construction job and married a woman named Talia and had five children. Robert was described as having a strong work ethic to provide for his family. However, doing so required him to stay away from his family for long durations of time, which put a lot of strain on his marriage, and they were eventually divorced in 2003. That's kind of sad.


Yeah, it definitely is, especially when you're away at work a lot. I knew somebody who was away from their wife consistently for long periods of time because they were always on the road working at different places, and it really did put a strain on that person's marriage. And it does. It really does because when you're away a lot of stuff happens sometimes with people like they get insecure, cheating, all kinds of stuff. But that's not everybody, just certain people.


Well, there's so many losses in communication because I did a year long distance longer than that, as you know and it was very difficult. And the worst part is, if you have a disagreement, you can't hug each other, there's no body language, there's nothing to ease the pain, you just kind of have to deal with it.


It takes an emotional toll on you.


It really does and you know, particularly when they're going to work to provide for the family. I find it sad, because they're doing this for the people that they're losing and it feels kind of counterintuitive. This didn't stop him from being a responsible father, though. In fact. When he moved back to Medford, he brought four of his children with him, and he supported and raised them until they were old enough to fend for themselves. Once his children were grown, he jumped back into his vagabond roots, got a dog and purchased a camper Sidebar.


I know this fucking feeling. I, too, bought a camper to travel once my kids were old enough, but instead, as you know, i sold the camper and have sent, set up a home station with my favorite human being in the state of Massachusetts and spent between four and six months on the road with my hybrid SUV that I converted into a gypsy mobile, which is conducive to the inspiration I crave and need as an author and a podcaster, as well as a fellow vagabond. Once again, he seems genuinely amazing and, like another victim, you and I could easily befriend this dude, especially you, because you're introverted and hard working and have a dog with a gypsy soul.


Yes, that is true, i'm very introverted. I don't appear it when I'm talking to people because I'm like I'm talkative, but it's mainly nerves that make me talkative. Otherwise, i mean, i could sit there and be completely by myself for like weeks on end and be totally fine with it.


Anyway, it's unclear exactly where Robert saw the advertisement for work on Susan's farm, but Robert and Susan made a deal whereby he'd be her handyman and, in trade, he could park his home trailer on her land for a discounted price. Seems like a great idea. Yeah, definitely does. Unfortunately, as a result of Robert's children having difficulty reaching him for a few months, they went to his trailer and noticed he was missing. They then asked Susan if she knew what their fathers were about. According to Susan, robert had quit in September and she hadn't seen him since. When Robert's children went to the Jackson County Sheriff's Office to file a missing report, they told the police that his trailer is still on Susan's property and that all his belongings were still there, including his dog. Investigators found the story suspicious and went to the farm to investigate. They then questioned Susan, who elaborated on a story. You remember how she spoke to the kid. Sooner, she told that story to the police, but she also added wanted to confront him about his drinking on September 9th 2013. But before she had the chance, he addressed her by giving her money and asking her to take care of his dog.


Susan alleged that he mentioned finding the person who assaulted his daughter. This led the investigators initially to consider that he could have likely confronted that person and maybe they could track him down. It was difficult for investigators to track his movements with bank records and such, because he didn't have a checking account and he worked for cash, or under the table, as we say, in the hood. However, he did have an Oregon Trail card, which is essentially a welfare card that's used for certain retailers and groceries and investigators. You know what that is. That's like a food stamps Yeah. Similar Investigators learned it had been used on December 2013 at a local Walmart, which was well after when he went missing. However, the optimism and finding him subsided when they examined Walmart's surveillance footage and, instead of finding Robert, susan was using the card.


I knew that was going to happen.


Authorities got a search warrant for Susan's property and charged her with identity theft. While executing the warrant, officers spoke with the petitioner, who admitted to using the benefits. Officers surveyed the property while recording. Not long into the recording, an officer encountered a human leg and a catchment pond. Officers then arrested Susan and applied for a new search warrant that included seeking for evidence of murder.


Oh, that's a weird thing to find What's a catchment pond.


I have no idea. I don't know either, man. You know when you don't know what something is and you don't have the time to look it up, but you have this like instant vision of what it could be. I saw Koi fish in that pond that first thought Yeah, i have no idea. Her interrogation Holy fuck. Of course I watched two versions of her interrogation because this thing went on for like 18 hours. One was the one I mentioned earlier, which was almost three hours, and then another was like an hour and a half and it blew my fucking mind Like she shit on the chair before the polygraph and then wiped it with her bare hands and blew her fucking nose, like during this, like right before she got the fucking polygraph. Anyway, about the only enduring quality that I could relate with was her professed love for geeky shit like Star Trek, but it pretty much ended there.


Yeah, oh, and guess what? I found out what a catchment pond was. It's a retention basin, sometimes called a wet pond, wet detention basin or storm water management pond. So it's an artificial pond with vegetation around it and it's to collect rainwater.


You know how many sexual connotations that can be used for Well you could use it.


You definitely could use it for that.


Oh man, it has already begun. Anyway, while speaking with the polygraph, she described herself as logical. Meanwhile, her whimsical behavior and her contradictions were off the charts. She made comments throughout her police interview that made her sound like a hateful fascist in one breath, and then professing to be humane in the other. At one point she even mentioned that if she would kill anybody, it would be the girls across the streets. You know the ones I mentioned earlier who she threatened to feed to the pigs. Oh yeah, She even told investigators get this that human meat wasn't good for pigs and that she cared too much about her animals to make them sick.


Oh, okay, sure, that's like believable, because pigs eat just about anything. Yeah you're well grounded, lady. Yeah, oh yeah, i care about the pigs, but not the people.


So, following 18 hours of videotaped interviews, she never owned murdering either victim. However, she hung herself, she procured the rope tied, the ends of the knot twisted and pulled the yarn until it was tight. They were crazy statements that no sound minded person would say, like telling the investigators that she feared her pigs would be killed if she reported the deaths tried claiming that the warrant was inaccurate because they had allegedly said the wrong date regarding when she became owner of the property. Luckily for the questioners, that played no significance in the reason. they had the warrant and the time in question was 2013, not in fucking 1991 when she purchased the property. Nonetheless, she made herself seem that suspect by looking for a way to stop them from searching, especially if she had nothing to hide.


Yeah, that's a little bit too much. She's too much.


It's like going into a bar room and conspicuously like winking at your friend when they check your fake ID.


Yeah, yeah, pretty much.


Now listen to this. Regarding the card, she claimed that Haney gave her the card to buy food and beer for him on her way into town, yet there was no explanation for why she'd continue using it after he professed he was leaving for a while And while he wasn't there. Also, the questioner made an excellent point. Why would she run up his card and leave him with nothing to spend on food?


Yeah, and I don't think you can buy beer on a food stamp card.


Oh my God, that's another good point Epiphanies at Tiffany's again.


I'm sure you can't buy fucking beer on a food stamp card. Now, if anybody can tell me any different, if they are able to buy beer in their state, then roganwicked at yahoocom.


Yeah, let us know. I mean, she was maxing it out too. So also, why wouldn't he take his trail card with him?


Yeah, like if I was going on the road to like catch somebody, i'd bring it with me At least, so that way I could buy some groceries for, like, when I'm driving through town.


Exactly. Even if he had odd-end jobs, wouldn't he want his money for other things that he can purchase that he can't purchase with the food card, because he has that covered already?


Exactly, unless he sold it to her for half price because I used to know-. Oh yeah, oh shit, it would sell their food stamps for half the price. So they can pocket the cash. I mean, that's possible, but you know.


Damn, that was like a thing where I grew up and when I grew up.


Yeah, yeah, me too. So I mean I get it, but we don't know that. I mean it sounds outlandish to me in this story because I kind of know where it's going.


but if I didn't know where it was going.


That's like a pretty plausible explanation if she would have brought that up.


So when the card stopped working because it wasn't being correctly maintained with the system protocol, she burned it. She didn't merely toss it in the trash, she treated it like she was burning evidence.


Yeah, that's a little too much.


Yes, this situation in and of itself is quite telling for so many reasons. And keep in mind that she doesn't yet know about the leg they found in her yard. It already seems like foul play and she's very obviously stumbling over her words as she's being recorded, but she doesn't even know that they found a fucking leg in her yard yet.


Yeah, I mean, was it like a bone or was it like an actual?


leg. Oh girl, we'll talk it to this part. No, okay, alright. When they finally told her they found a leg on her property, things began to spiral even further. She remained silent for a bit and then the silence was broken when they inquired why the leg was there and if she believed it could be Roberts In her predicament, i'd be like you found a human leg in my yard. How the fuck did it get there? You know, like wouldn't that be what I wouldn't say a normal person would do, because I don't think either of us constitute as normal.


But like would I be, like perplexed, I'd be like how did that get there? I don't know about that There's no reasonable explanation why there should be a leg in my yard.


Right, like what? the fuck is that? I found a dead rabbit's head in your yard once. Did you know that?


I'm sure you did Like we had dogs that like eat everything but the heads. I found my hamster's head in my bedroom because my cat ate it, because it escaped and I found this little like bloody thing.


It looked like it looked like a peach pit or something. So I go down, i'm like where I said the dog must have gotten in a trash again. I'm thinking it's a peach pit. I go and I pick it up, right, i turn it around. I'm like eight, right, i turn it around and the only hair left on this thing was the little mouth with the nose and the whiskers coming out of it. Everything else was gone. The cat just gnawed it until it was a bloody little thing and she left it on the floor and I couldn't believe it. I was disgusted, i threw it, i screamed. My mom was like what the fuck? She comes upstairs, she sees this damn thing and she's like oh my god, the cat ate the hamster, it's not funny.


It's not funny to my poor hamster.


But now that it's been, you know, 20 some years, it's a little funny.


It's wild because cats are the most loving cuddly things ever, but they're savage sometimes.


They are man. My cat was a hunter. She wasn't playing.


Now, makara is a hippie and, as you know, we have birds that are allowed to fly free in my bedroom and she will not mess with them, she loves them. She even rescued a wild flying squirrel once, like she is such a oh this cute. She doesn't like big animals and she'll hiss at big animals because she feels intimidated, but little ones She's like a little rose quartz when it comes to them things. And but Ollie upstairs, bart's black cat, he's such a gentleman, he's so poised, he is like the sexiest black cat in the world. Anyway, he was hunting mice and Bart was sleeping on his back one night and Ollie jumped on him and then left and Bart felt something squiggling on his chest and he turned on the light and it was like a half eaten mouse, still somewhat alive, dragging its guts across Bart's chest. Oh my God, you see he's all over the freak down. I was like he sure has fucked him.


So we're talking about we're talking about like small animals in this case, and we're like, how did that get there? But there's like an entire human leg in this woman's yard and she's like, oh well, how did it get there? Like it's an even fucking phaser Tiff.


Like she was like stone faced when she was saying it, like oh, how did that get there?


She was like, so she remained silent for a bit and then yeah.


Then the silence was broken and they inquired why the leg was there and if she believed it could be Roberts and her predicament. I yeah, oh, my god, i'm like I already said. She goes, she, she seemed indifferent and says I guess I should ask where it was, i mean if it was by his trailer. He then informs her that it was a few feet from her place and she was like I don't know. Then She stated it as casually as one says please pass the salt, like that was her tone.


Well, to me that sounds like somebody who who is responsible for the leg. Yes, because like somebody asked you about it and then you're like, well, if it was near his trailer, you know, probably his. You know, like it just don't seem like somebody who's like concerned about there being a leg on her property.


She's not, not at all. We were more concerned about the hamster, and Bart was more concerned about the mouse and those predicaments than she was when they said, hey, there's a dead person flag in your yard. maybe it's your friend. I mean, just imagine if it was somebody that lived on her property too, wouldn't you be at least like a oh fuck.


Yeah, i'd be like concerned my friend was dead or my employee or whatever he was.


Someone she had an amicable agreement that lived on her property is at least some kind of ties there.


Exactly like you would think she'd be upset.


Yes and I. If you guys watched this interview and I suggest you do, if this case interests you you would not believe how monotone she was, because I certainly couldn't. I was taken aback. She then began mumbling about how oh my god this. I'm so sorry about laughing about this one, but this is all about me being visual. She began mumbling about how he may have fallen down a hill. That statement was outrageous. Like I hope, i never lose and by lose I mean completely rip off my leg falling down a fucking hill.


Yeah, that is a little farfetched. That's a tall tail right there.


Oh, yes, i fell down a hill and my leg fell off.


It's like tell him you fell down the stairs Oh my god, yeah, no, we're not laughing at the victim because it's sad what happened to this guy. We're laughing because this bitch, this white queen, is bizarrely unbelievable Yes, with her tall tails, because it's. These are things that are so farfetched that they have me crack it up because they're unbelievable.


Yes, that was what happened to me, and I'm not the only one, you know. When I was researching this case and speaking to you, know my household about these things, they too were like what the fuck? Anyway, when I witnessed the interrogator ask if she found it strange that the leg was right next to her place, i very inappropriately laughed at that absurdity as well, just before she responded with very. We only have an hour and I watched this play out for hours, so I have to skip past a ton of madness. But by this point detectives suspected that pigs were somehow involved in Robert's death and asked Susan if they had any interaction with the pigs. She said that Robert didn't interact with her pigs and never went into their pen. While she professed her pigs were friendly, she also admitted that they could probably eat humans. Then the detectives asked if it was possible for that. Robert went into the pen and got eaten by the pigs and she goes yeah, i guess it's a possibility.


I just can't. I just think it's wild that she's more concerned about the pigs than she is about Robert. Yes well, i mean, if she killed him, i guess she wouldn't be. But I'm just saying like she wasn't lying when she said that she cared more about the pigs and she did people. No, she wasn't. She at least, like, said the truth there.


Yes, yes, unwittingly so. Yeah, the deputy medical examiner for Jackson County showed Susan a picture of the leg and then proceeded to tell her that they were searching her property for the rest of the body. At this point she becomes noticeably distressed, like she'd already stolen his food card. And they found a leg in her yard. So if I were her, i would be a little nervous too, especially if I knew there were more body parts on the property.




Moreover, she knew the intimate details of what they'd likely find. So then she started spilling the fucking beans, knowing that they would find more body parts. She switched up quickly and started telling the detective that she found him gutted, yet still alive, on her property early in the morning. She said that she knew he wasn't going to survive and he'd been eaten alive by her pigs, and so she put him out of his misery.


My first thought was how contradictive her new confessions were about him never have been around the pigs or in their pen. However, she was cornered with the fact that she was aware they'd find the rest of his body. They'd find the bullet that she shot into his head and more body parts. By the way, when I say more body parts, i mean she killed an another tired person, but before we get into that second body that we know of, let's continue on with this crazy shit. My other thought was why she didn't immediately contact the authorities. I was grateful when the detectives asked her this question, but do you know what her response to that question was? What? I didn't want my pigs to be shot. Keep in mind she was showing emotions at this point. She didn't show any of these types of emotions before or after discussing the potential of her pigs being put down, and then she started going on and on about how he must have provoked them because her pigs were friendly with her and she didn't think they would ever do such a thing without cause.


Okay, so Robert pissed off the pigs and then the pigs attacked and ate him alive. Come on, man, like what kind of crazy shit is that? He provoked the pigs. What was he like making funny faces, adam, come on, it's like like you're just wasting. You're just wasting investigators time. At this point, like just admit that. You're a piece of shit.


Oh my god, it gets you. You won't even believe your fucking mind when I go, when I finish with this. I, i got you already, can't right?


Yeah, i can't with this bitch, with this white queen, oh my god.


she then told the investigators that she valued animals over humans and how she believed that human beings were the worst thing on the planet. Also based on her revised story, he'd left in a white car one morning and the next time she saw him he was in her pig pen being eaten by her pigs. Though calling the police did cross her mind, she decided it would be best to just let her pigs continue eating him. when most of his body was eaten, she retrieved the clothes and the remaining body parts, which included the skull and an arm, and put them into a large garbage bag. My heart broke for his children when I realized all hope of finding him alive was lost. To add sadness was a video recording of his stunningly beautiful daughter speak on his behalf, describing him as having a big heart and being undeserving of his untimely death. I'll include that link as well.


Good, because that's the only important thing here is yeah, we're making fun of this white queen, but um, yeah, his kids are like the main people in here that got hurt, you know like. I mean aside from Robert, obviously, but they clearly loved him.


He raised them, and then you know they when they got in a hold of him. They were clearly very concerned about him, and then I watched this video of his daughter talking about how we had a good heart, which I think kind of played out in the decisions that he made regarding his children.


Yeah, and this bitch is sitting there telling some tall tale. Now can I tell you what I think happened before you tell me what actually happened?


Oh sure, i had a hypothesis at this point myself.


I think this bitch fed him to the pigs as like a form of torture and then shot him when she was done and then figured the pigs would finish him off. And they obviously didn't. That's what I think happened and why she would do this. I really don't know, because that is a hard thing to do to another person, to feed anyone, to any animal, because that is a torture that you probably couldn't even fathom, and I just think it's really fucking sad and this bitch is a monster. A monster like this is some Hannibal Lecter shit.


This man is a hard-working parent that negotiated an amicable situation, living situation with her and I mean, even if he was an asshole there's no, he seemed fucking awesome. But even if he wasn't awesome, it wouldn't justify this. It just you know what. The only reprieve I found was making fun of this fucking bitch honestly.


Yeah, i mean, i have no problem making fun of her this whole episode and talking about her particular shit.


Oh, we're going to do the rest of the episode because I mean, she's a piece of shit.


Listen to this. She even drew a map of where she put the bags which remains the bags. Yeah, she drew a map where she put the bags at the body parts. Which which remains? what she had was a couple of large garbage bags. By this point they suspected it was Robert during the interview and it hadn't been officially identified. So the detective inquired like whether or not it could possibly be somebody else's, that it wasn't Robert's and maybe they're going to find the remains of other people on her property.


Detectives had a hunch that Robert wasn't her only victim and asked if she'd ever killed anyone before Robert. I thought immediately she must have, because she was like in the military before. But she responded no, not even in the Navy saved for throwing hand grenades over the side of the boat. Susan tried convincing the detectives that Robert was the only human dead by her hands and agrees to take a polygraph test When the polygrapher arrives. Talking about the events surrounding Robert's death, susan started coughing and couldn't sit still. Also, keep in mind, as I said earlier, she shit her pants just before Taking her polygraph and during it she couldn't stop coughing and couldn't sit still well, probably better fucking pants.


I mean, i would be able to sit still either.


It's like did she sit on purpose or did she you know shit? because she's like oh, i'm fucked, you know?


now I think she should on purpose. I mean, was it running or was it like a, like a poop, like a?


real? I have no idea, except that she you know.


I mean cuz. Then if it's like Ronnie, it's like oops, maybe it was an accident, but like I doubt it. I feel like she did it on purpose so that she'd be like uncomfortable. And then she'd be like, oh, i failed the polygraph, cuz I shit my pants and I was like I had a cold and I was coughing.


Yeah, oh my god. Yes, well, i'll tell you what they. Susan's constant movement made it so that the test couldn't be properly Conducted. So I think she did that part on purpose as well. Yeah, sounds like it. Note that she didn't cough after the test stopped and she wasn't coughing before the test started, regardless because she was acting mad suspect. They continue to push the subject of their potentially being other bodies on the property. So, yeah, she made it so that the polygraph wouldn't work just by. And who knows if she knew that it, you know, during her military training or something.


Yeah, i don't know. I mean, i mean it is possible, but I don't know, like do they teach you that in the military? I don't think they teach you how to pass a polygraph in the military.


Perhaps not, but I mean, when you're in and I'm just saying that when you're in a suit and you're around other people who are in suits, that stuff, time tends to trickle in. It just does. I know that I learn about all kinds of weird torture things and so on, and so For things I can't even mention out loud, yeah, i learned from some military people.


Well, I know they teach them about like being captured and stuff like that.


Right, well, i mean it's you know, i knew somebody you know that interrogated people in the military, and that's all I'm gonna say about that. They do learn about certain things like that, it's classified information. I'm leaving it there, And you know I used to do charities for military people and I met some really great people doing that.


Yeah, i had some really good friends that were in the military, so my family was too.


Yeah, I had some crazy family members who in the military?


Yeah, they are. They like the party.


You know, sonny is a Marine and a Vietnam vet. my stepdad, oh yeah Yeah, he's a fucking hoon, but anyway, they were pushing her about there potentially being other bodies, and that's when she spilled the beans about another Unfortunate victim. she prefaced her next story by redundantly mentioning how it didn't make sense, just like the situation with Robert.


What did they found? What the other body?


Well, she spilled, she started spilling the beans about what you were about to get to in a second.


Oh, okay, i thought like they found something or she, i wasn't sure like if she told them.


That's what I was saying. Yeah, that's when she spilled the beans about another unfortunate victim and Before she's metaphors that keep fucking me up.


She prefaced her next story by redundantly mentioning how it didn't make sense. It's a bad man jumped through this microphone. Stop getting a laugh. It's already hard. You're gonna wait. The wait until I tell you this one. It's just as fucking crazy. Okay, i'm ready. All right.


Stephen Frank Delinco lived a few miles away and would do odd jobs for Susan. She said he'd regularly ride his bike around the area doing handyman work in exchange for beer and cash for beer. She asked that he would even steal to get beer money, claiming he was a meticulous thief who regularly stole from people. She then alleged that she caught him in her home during one of his thievery escapades. Note that thievery escapade was my choice of words, not hers.


Anyway, she accused him of stealing her two guns and that he got so upset about her allegations That he grabbed her third gun from under her pillow, thus confirming her suspicions that he went through her room and Used the gun to threaten to kill himself because he didn't want to go back to jail, and he shot himself in the head and then get this. After he shot himself in the head, ran out of the room into the hallway where she Proceeded to follow him as he emptied the gun into his head. I lost my own head trying to picture that. I'm not laughing at the victim, that's just so far fetched.


But the absurdity of like trying to picture this bullshit story. Like I know that the weapon in question was a 22 caliber and that that caliber doesn't pack as much of a punch as most guns. Yeah, I'm trying to change the prospect of somebody shooting themselves in the head five times and running around.


You know what a 22 caliber gun does to a human skull. It bounces around in the mind. Yes, yes, it does.


Can you? you can't shoot yourself one time and then be like oh well, i'm fully cognitive enough to pull the trigger again.


There's no fucking way. Yeah, because the 22 is is strong enough to get through the skull, but usually it doesn't come out the other side, so it usually goes in and bounces around. Right, yeah, it's a low caliber weapon, but like, so like, if I shoot myself with a 22 caliber gun and it's bouncing around in my skull, there's no fucking way that I'm gonna be able to, like, not run into the other room. Yeah, to be cognitive enough to run into the other room and then shoot myself again and again and again and again and again. Right is so far fetched and it's impossible story that that's just not fathomable.


I like between this and him. Well, maybe he fell down the hill. White, he's a fucking Ken dollar. He's fucking like pops.


Well, obviously this white queen doesn't have a high IQ. I.


Definitely get into that too. According to Susan, during the summer of 2012, stephen took a 22 caliber pistol and shot five rounds into his own head After he executed himself. Oh my god, i can't. She went inside to lie down. Okay, as somebody who struggles to sleep over the tiniest of things, it's difficult for me to imagine sleeping for a week after witnessing such a gruesome scene. Yet There she was. What a beautiful time for a nap.


Yeah, like I'm gonna. I'm gonna witness somebody shoot first off. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. That's just like that's made up. It's a fairy tale right there. And then you're gonna tell me that after this fairy tale of somebody shooting themselves in the head five times, that you're gonna Go and you're gonna lay down in your bed and take a nap while the person's probably laying in your hallway.


Okay, according to her, a few hours later She returned outside, where she noticed that the pigs were eating Stephen's body.


Yeah, the pigs broke through the gate and they came out and they took them and they walked them back into the pen. Oh my god, oh My god, i know Yeah.


Okay, that's. She decided to leave him out there for the pigs to finish eating. Following a few weeks, she picked up his clothes on the rest of his remains, which was a skull and some bones, and buried them behind Her barn. Following her tall tail, which the deputy medical examiner was listening to, he went into the room to speak with Susan. Mind you, all of this was recorded and, in my opinion, this guy was well poised and came in with statistics because I, at this point, i would be so infuriated with this human being, or I should say fucking monster, that I would never have walked in there as cool, calm and collective as he was like from the outside.


No, I'm pissed off like even talking about it.


Yeah, we're laughing to relieve that stress. Yeah, like oh.


My god dude.


I eat.


I don't know He wasn't laughing when she said this bullshit. Oh no, because like this is not in hindsight, this is in real time, i know but if somebody told me that I'd probably Laugh in their face and be like, okay, now What's the real story?


Right, i would be pissed in this issue, i can.


I mean I'd be pissed too, but I'd be laughing at the absurdity of it and be like uh-huh Okay all right, i'll tell you what dude I'm so much better at laughing at the absurdity of things, like in hindsight, but when things are going on, my first instinct in a bullshit story is to go into like rage mode, like when people start like lying to me I or I see like any level of deceit. It just triggers me in a weird way. I can look back on it, be like ha ha, ha, ha ha, but in that moment, oh, i couldn't oh no, i literally laughing people's faces when they lie to me.


I laugh right in their face and it really makes them mad.


Oh, I wish I could do that. I praise you for being able to fucking do that Why cuz I don't.


I don't feel any emotion when somebody lies to me because that's a Them problem. They're trying to pull one over on me, but I'm like, yeah, okay, oh, i got your number, dude.


I look at it as why would you do that? You know, like, why would you do that to me? I'm being honest to you, so why can't you just give me that and return like what the fuck?


anyway. Yeah, there's always this underlying Feeling.


He told her that he determined the deaths. This guy that was watching this the whole time told her that he determined the deaths of over a thousand people, and, of them, only 500 committed suicide with handguns, and that he'd never, ever heard of anyone shooting themselves five times in the head. You know why? cuz that's fucking impossible. That's why, yeah, it is yeah.


He said that there might be a possibility That he did shoot himself and, in the midst of falling, failing to execute it properly, she finished the job so that he didn't have to suffer, which was essentially playing on the pretend sympathy She professed to have regarding her other victim earlier when she claimed she was quote unquote putting him out of his misery. But Susan said that she believed that four bullets bounced off his head and one bullet successfully entered. Okay, bounce off his head. Okay, this, according to her right, was all happening as She was supposedly tugging at his arm to prevent him from shooting himself in the head. Keep that in mind.


Oh, okay, Yeah, yeah so not only.


I mean like not only is he able to shoot, but he's able to Shoot himself and fund her off at the same time. I mean this guy's fucking miraculous. Yeah, yes, he's like, he's like a Superman well, if this bizarre story were even true, which clearly it's not yeah, why didn't she alert the authorities regarding somebody robbing her and then trying to commit suicide on her property?


Yeah, I mean I would do that if somebody was stealing from me I would call the cops and if somebody tried to kill themselves on your Property and you tried to stop them, he would call the cops Yeah. and from both of those reasons She should have done that, but decided not to okay. Yeah only Wolverine could ever get away with shooting himself in the head and being able to do it a second, third, fourth, fifth time And fight somebody off that I know of in the Marvel community.


Yeah, i'm just, i'm like, i'm like sick of this woman already.


She was an engineer and formally in the military and in the Navy. Yeah, so there's less of a possibility that she's intellectually challenged. Yet You would think otherwise if you watch her interview and trial.


Yeah, Well, she's probably like one of the people, because the engineers are like math smart right, left-brained as opposed to having any EQ. Yeah, like maybe, maybe not creative. Well, i guess to lie you'd have to be creative, i would assume, at least she was definitely.


I'll give her that she's very creative.


Well, i mean with her methods of, you know, killing and torture, obviously, but I mean like you'd have to be creative in order to come up with us, dory, that like a believable plausible. Yeah, that was plausible.


So she speaking of Trial, which was a six-day trial, she never owned her part in the murders. Unfortunately for her, and fortunately for the rest of the world, it still only took a mere hour for the jury to find her guilty. The six-day trial was just as bizarre, only more animated. Unlike her frumpy, unkempt 18-hour interrogation, she lost weight. She dressed like a school teacher and moral wig for her final show, but she was just as fucking stupid. According to an online article I read, which I'll link below, as bar mac addressed the jury, monica stood up, raised her hand and began asking for the chance to give jerry's one more demonstration And how she claimed she shot Delinco with a gun held Perpendicular to the ground and in the air, the only way her story could match forensics evidence. I'd like to demonstrate how I shot him for you in 10 seconds. Monica blurted. Barnack at first ignored her. Then Monica put her hands in the air, as she did in her earlier Testimony from the stand, and said I hold the gun like this. Barnack ordered her back to the Jackson County jail and the sheriff's deputies took her away. She returned less than two hours later for the verdict. Here is the verdict, as predictable as it could be Described as a cold-blooded killer by the judge in her case.


Convicted serial killer Susan Monica was sentenced to a minimum of 50 years in coffee Creek Correctional Facility Prison For murdering two men more than a year apart, dismembering, met them and feeding them to her pigs in a separate act. Coffee Creek Correctional Facility is a woman's prison and a prisoner intake center in Wilsonville, wilsonville, oregon, united States, operated by Oregon Department of Corrections, and it facilitates 1,600 people roughly and it was opened in 2001 and it's on 108 acres. She's 72. She got a 50-year sentence. I don't think she's gonna see parole alive. Anyway, yeah, that's the story. So what?


do you think of that? I'm glad you sentenced to 50 years. I'll tell you that because that's right. I mean I think she should have got too consecutive. Well, i guess that would be well. Yeah, that is that's 23, and 23 would be like 40 something. So, yeah, they gave her a couple action making it even 50. That's, that's pretty good.


You know, they could have just sentenced her for life, and it wouldn't have made a difference, because at the age She was anyway.


Yeah, but still it's like you got it. You got to bring justice for the families You know, for the daughters and and the other guys. Steven, like we didn't really touch on his family too much, but I think that, um, you know, whoever his loved ones were probably wanted some serious justice too. So I'm glad she got sentenced to two life sentences. I think that's better than just one. Just for that aspect alone, i agree.


Yeah, so that's a wild story and Yeah, it has that very Hannibal feel, minus the pedophile thing, obviously and you know Hannibal, having some level of intelligence. Yeah, but I just mean like that scene.


With the pigs and you see their faces and their old, ravenous and shit. Like that's what I seen in my mind And it that is an awful, awful thing. And and these people, like I just can't wit some of these murder cases. I really can't because that's a very like different way for somebody to commit murder and It's also animal abuse, because if you're feeding people to pigs, they're gonna euthanize those pigs because they've eaten human flesh. So you can't consume them, they can't be kept as pets.


She already signed their death sentence as soon as she did that and to me that's that's awful in itself. And then on top of it you got this White queen who thinks that she is queen of everything and can do whatever the fuck she wants and say whatever she wants and get away with it. And obviously she can't. And her little plan of shit in her pants, you know, didn't work either, because her stories were so absurd and outlandish that like it was obvious that she was full of shit. Mm-hmm, and I'm not mean that like as a pun. Yes, you do. Well, i didn't intentionally, but it's funny after the fact. But yeah, so like that's, that's pretty much. I mean, i kind of like went with my, my feelings, this whole podcast that we were talking, so like I really don't have anything else to Say about her and I feel like I'm glad that we're done talking about this bitch, because She actually makes me more sick than half of the killers that we talk about, just because of what she did to the poor animals and these two poor men.


Right and her attempt to lie about it. Instead of just. I mean, you have to have no remorse whatsoever To be able to sit there and attempt to keep procuring these fucked up, untrue stories, you know.


No, i just think she's a pathological liar. She probably does this shit to people all the time, like comes up with outlandish stories like well, i'll tell you another thing is they believe that there were more victims.


They don't believe that that and I also kind of from 91 until the end. I think it's very possible that those weren't the only two.


No, i don't either. I think there may have been a lot more, and maybe the pigs did consume them completely.


She was doing the pigs and the chickens before she ever started anything else.


Yeah, so it's very, very possible that and 20 acres. It's a lot of land it is and you can't search all that you know? I mean, you probably could, but it would take you a real long time.


And if you don't have any other people that were missing, that are on a radar you know as being Affiliated with the Susan Monica, then I mean there would be no reason to Keep searching and digging and trying to find them, especially if she was feeding people to animals, like they pigs can eat and crush bone because they got really strong jaws. So I could see how like there would be no remnants left of a lot of people if she did kill multiple People other than these two vectors.


I agree, and you know, there's also a lot of issues used in excavator and I thought about this because I, you know, did the whole thing where I planted trees for a while. If you used a Excavator, dug up a hole to plant a tree, put a body underneath it, put a tree on top of it, there you go, what is somebody gonna do? go and rip apart an entire forest to find someone. So there's so many ways, when you have that much land, to be able to dispose of body. Yeah, it's, it's fucked up that she allowed herself to be. Of course, it's more fucked up. She did it in the first place. But if, with that much land, she didn't even have to be that sloppy if she didn't want to no, not at all.


But anyway, thank you for listening. This was an interesting case.


Yeah, it is it was a very interesting case. I actually I would I don't want to say I enjoyed it because I did not enjoy it. I'm actually a little my stomach feels a little sick after talking about this because I just keep thinking about that, but um, it's definitely interesting.


So if anyone wants to check out these interviews and I think, tiffany, you'll probably be one of those people now I'll send a link for it, because it's Seeing is believing it was pretty wild.


Yeah, yeah, i'll post it in show notes. So if you guys want to check out our Facebook, twitter, instagram and Tiktok it's all rogue and wicked podcast. If you want to check out our patreon, it's wwwpatreoncom. Rogue and wicked. Our tier one listeners get bonus content, our tier two listeners get a bonus episode every month and our tier three Listeners get two bonus episodes every month. Or if you don't want to pay that, we have the subscription page That's on our buzz sprout page, which is um rogue and wicked dot buzz sprout calm, and you can actually subscribe through there for a lesser amount, but you won't get any bonus content or episodes.


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Yeah, thank you guys for listening.


Thank you, guys for listening and till next time.

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